Showing posts with label Method of pranayama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Method of pranayama. Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2015

Benefits and side effects of kapalbhati pranayama

Baba Ramdev Yoga Method

Kapalbhati Pranayama
Baba Ramdev  kapalbhati pranayama method or technique

Kapalbhati Pranayama is a type of birthing method or exercise that helps rid of various nutritions over a period of time. Kapal means forehead and bhati means shining. Kapalbhati Pranayama brings shining on the practitioner face (on the face of practitioner). For practise or to perform this Pranayama site on a surface with cotton material underneath or without it.( use of cotton material is better practice because energy created during practising kapalbhati Pranayama not lost through earthling. Energy produce through this exercise is also one kind of electric energy which can lose by earthling). Concentrate on exhaling. Inhaling as normal.  Exhale and simultaneously compress the abdomen muscles with every exhalation.
All yoga practitioners have given full credit of this meditation and breathing technique. Kapalbhati Pranayama remains standard practice for all yoga classes around the world. It is ideal for intermediate practitioner. It is breathing technique which helps mind detoxification and purification. With only breathing this technique cleanse both mind and body. Kapalbhaiti Pranayama has been showed remarkable result in stress disease. Some spectacular yoga gurus have worked hard for polarize this technique around the world. That’s why this technique often as a baba ramdev kapalbahti Pranayama. (baba ramdev is a Indian spectacular yoga guru who expand yoga and meditation technique all over the world)

Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama:

This Pranayama (Kapalbhati) has numbers of benefits. People performed it for various reasons like
           v       for relaxing
           v    for physical benefits
        v   some for weigh lost as well  
           v To improve body tone
Kapalbhati Pranayama works with breathing system and abdominal muscle which helps tone out musculature and body tone. It purifies respiratory sections, minimizing risks of infections and allergies in the respiratory system. Due to Powerful exhaling, at the time of performing this Pranayama, material of allergy and infection blow away from respiratory section. The exercise technique also helps improve the flexibility of the diaphragm. During this exercise, through the breathing technique has been used for This Pranayama, the diaphragm gets many exercise, it becomes more tractile and improve circulation. As the diaphragm gets stronger and more flexible, Chance of arising hernias reduces extremely.    
Kapalbhati Pranayama helps improve blood circulation, particularly lower part of the body, it helps improve(improving the function of body) the functioning of whole body. This technique also helps enhance lungs capacity and improve respiratory efficiency, providing more oxygen (available to the body) for body. It become more efficient as oxygen circulates in to the body. You can experience yourself fresh, relax and energetic every time you performing this technique

pranayama side effects,weight loss yoga,baba ramdev yoga

Kapalbhati Side Effects:

(Guide line or recommendation)

Kapalbhati Pranayama Offers Various Benefits like effective blood circulation, improve oxygen circulation in the body, purifies respiratory sections and many more but it’s side effects (not actually but certain recommendation ore guide line or steps for care), it is not recommended for everyone. Specialists believe that in certain disease and disorder may complicated if it performed regular basis and unattended. Kapalbhati Pranayama has not advisable for those, who suffer from cardiac problems, spinal disordered and hernia. In addition those suffer from colds, severe respiratory infections and nasal obstruction should not perform this technique or method. Usually doctors and experts advices, persons who suffer from high blood presser and diabetes avoid performing the technique. Best way performing kapalbhati is after consultation of doctor and experts. It is advisable to avoid performing your own.