Thursday, May 14, 2015

Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali

Patanjali Yoga Sutras

Patanjali is known to be the compiler of the yoga sutras. The patanjali yoga sutras are a collection of sayings or aphorisms in the practice of yoga. According to the patanjali yoga sutras, the ultimate endeavor of yoga practice is to attain a state of ultimate liberation.
Emancipation or ‘kaivalya’ is the experience of the innermost self or soul of a person. By getting in touch with the soul, one is able to break free from the cycle of cause and effect or ‘karma’. In this state, a practitioner can exist in serenity and peace since he or she has gained the ultimate knowledge which is awareness of what is material and what is spiritual, unchanging and free of suffering. The meaning of these sutras and the practice of yoga in accordance with these sutras is taught in a patanjali yoga shala or yoga school.

Patanjali Yoga Asanas

According to Patanjali, one cannot practice yoga asanas (poses) in a class and then go back to living a life of material aspirations and undisciplined living. Yoga goes deeper than this and is helpful in cultivating the mind, body and spirit. Here we attempt to shed some light on the yoga sutras of patanjali.