Thursday, May 14, 2015

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing) is one of the most effective pranayama (breathing exercises) to purify the mind and body. Anulom Vilom offers benefits in curing most of the internal body conditions and is very useful in releasing stress and anxiety. Anulom Vilom pranayama can be performed by people of all ages. It will help to practice this breathing exercise in a peaceful place like near a river or in a garden with plenty of greenery...

Anulom Vilom Pranayama by Baba Ramdev

...and where there is a lot of oxygen. The best time to practice this breathing exercise is considered to be early in the morning before having your breakfast. You can also practice it after giving a gap of five hours after eating. This will allow the food that is consumed to get digested. To perform Anulom Vilom, you should first close your eyes and relax all your muscles for while. Then, inhale from your left nostril while keeping your right nostril closed with the thumb of your right hand. Retain the breath for a few seconds and exhale from your right nostril with your middle and ring fingers closing your left nostril. Then, once again take in the breath from your right nostril. Finally, exhale from your left nostril while closing your right nostril with your thumb. This will complete one round of the pranayama. You could perform this exercise for around 15 minutes while taking a minute rest after every 5 minutes.
Anulom Vilom benefits us by balancing the body’s three dosas. Any imbalance in the three dosas will lead to illnesses. You can also awaken the Kundalini if you focus on the Moolandra Chakra while performing this exercise. Anulom Vilom also benefits us by bringing relief to conditions like sinus, respiratory problems, and asthma. Removing of artery blockages and maintenance of cholesterol levels are other Kapalbhati benefits. It is also effective in dealing with conditions like constipation, flatulence, diabetes, and obesity. As Anulom vilom has no side effects it is considered to be very effective for weight loss.
However, performing Anulom Vilom should be avoided by women during pregnancy and periods. Individuals who suffer from heart troubles should not perform this exercise with too much force and should practice it under the guidance of a qualified instructor. For you to reap the Anulom Vilom benefits, it is important that you practice it daily. It is also essential for you to combine it with a yogic diet that is purely vegetarian and Kapalbhati (Cleansing).  Kapalbhati benefits the body by helping to flush out toxins.
Anulom Vilom Pranayama is another type of pranayama.In this breathing technique, you inhale from one nostril at one time and release the breath through the the other nostril. You alternate between the two nostril at a regular comfortable pace.

Patanjali s 8 Limbs Of Yoga

Patanjali s 8 Limbs Of Yoga

Patanjali Eight Limbs Of Yoga before and after

Patanjali presented 8 disciplines to yoga. These must be practiced in order to become aware of one’s true self. Patanjali’s 8 limbs of yoga include;
  1. Yama - Social behavior which is the moral principles of non-violence, truth, non-stealing, non-lust and non-possessiveness.
  2. Niyama – Inner discipline which includes purity, contentment, austerity, study of the scriptures and awareness of the divine.
  3. Asana – Practice of the yoga postures.
  4. Pranayama – Prana is energy which is present everywhere and which flows through us through breathing. Pranayama refers to the control of breath.
  5. Pratyahara – Withdrawal and control over the human senses. This occurs while meditating, practicing yoga postures and breathing.
  6. Dharana – Concentration on a particular point or object to keep the mind free of distraction.
  7. Dhyana – Meditation in order to attain a state of heightened awareness.
  8. Samadhi – A higher state of being or bliss in which the ego ceases to exist and the true, pure nature of an individual emerges.
The yoga philosophy of patanjali which comprises the sutras is still considered to be one of the most enlightening studies of human awareness. By reading the patanjali yoga sutras in Sanskrit or in English at home or at a patanjali yoga center, you can learn the correct method of yoga practice.

Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali

Patanjali Yoga Sutras

Patanjali is known to be the compiler of the yoga sutras. The patanjali yoga sutras are a collection of sayings or aphorisms in the practice of yoga. According to the patanjali yoga sutras, the ultimate endeavor of yoga practice is to attain a state of ultimate liberation.
Emancipation or ‘kaivalya’ is the experience of the innermost self or soul of a person. By getting in touch with the soul, one is able to break free from the cycle of cause and effect or ‘karma’. In this state, a practitioner can exist in serenity and peace since he or she has gained the ultimate knowledge which is awareness of what is material and what is spiritual, unchanging and free of suffering. The meaning of these sutras and the practice of yoga in accordance with these sutras is taught in a patanjali yoga shala or yoga school.

Patanjali Yoga Asanas

According to Patanjali, one cannot practice yoga asanas (poses) in a class and then go back to living a life of material aspirations and undisciplined living. Yoga goes deeper than this and is helpful in cultivating the mind, body and spirit. Here we attempt to shed some light on the yoga sutras of patanjali.